Best Wedding Rings: Breakdown of Brands, Comfort and Cost

Best Wedding Rings: Breakdown of Brands, Comfort and Cost
The sheer quantity of wedding rings available poses a serious question to couples. Whether you want something simple and classic or something with a little more of an edge, there's a lot to take into consideration when you're narrowing down the best wedding rings.

Pro tip: you really can't choose your jewelry based solely on appearance. The most beautiful wedding ring in the world might not stand up to everyday wear and tear. It might prove to be uncomfortable or end up snagging on every piece of clothing you own. We'll look at how to breakdown the brands available, so you can make an easier decision. 

Top Brands 

Unless you're in the jeweler world, you might not know very much about the brands available. Here are just a few to give you an idea of what's out there:

●      Michael M.: Micheal M. combines time-honored craftsmanship with modern design, creating finishing touches that distinguish and elevate the art of fine jewelry.

●      Gabriel & Co.: This popular and affordable line of easy-to-wear designs celebrates the spirit of the young and the young-at-heart alike.

●      Henri Daussi: This family owned brand features one-of-a-kind traditional and innovative proprietary cuts that creates some of the most striking designs in the industry.

●      Tacori: Tacori has made an international splash both with customers and professional jewelers. The brand's rings are innovative, varied, and highly coveted by celebrities and everyday people alike. 

●      Veraggio: Veraggio is known for its cutting edge, yet classic foundation. You will find a lot of detail with these wedding rings, including Venetian lacework and Persian wraps.

●   Forevermark: This brand has proven itself reliable with a solid cut and clarity grade. In other words, you won't see any blemishes on these diamonds.

●     Scott Kay: Seen as a budget-friendly choice in the industry, Scott Kays offers men and women's rings in a variety of collections. This brand is known for creativity and cutting edge designs, making them a visual statement that's hard to miss. 


The more edges on the ring, the more likely the sharpness will come against your adjacent fingers. If you're looking for true comfort, you should opt for a plain band with a smooth interior. In particular, tungsten rings are often said to be extremely comfortable. If you can stand a little texture, try a band that's been laser-etched. (Sculpted rings are harder to ignore.) You can also look for comfort-fit bands that have a dome-shaped interior and are designed to keep any irritants (e.g., dust, soap, etc.) away from the skin so they won't become trapped there. 


All wedding rings look beautiful in the case, but they're not so appealing when one of the stones becomes loose or the band becomes scratched up. Some brands are well-known for their beauty or unique designs but not their longevity. If you're looking for something that won't need to be brought in for repair every other year (or even every other decade), invest in a high-quality ring from the start. 

Our men’s wedding rings at Padis Jewelry range from $129 - $6,500. Each ring is carefully designed to fit your style and budget, without compromising on quality. Our women’s wedding rings range from $295 - $9,300. When shopping for the perfect wedding ring, keep in mind that this ring will be on their finger for years to come.

A Little Guidance

The staff at Padis Jewelry understands that the list of wedding rings can feel interminable. If you're looking for a jeweler in San Francisco that knows their way around the best wedding rings, we're here to help. Let our family-owned company lend a hand. Visit our website or schedule an in-person or virtual appointment today to find the wedding ring of your dreams.