Gemstone Guide | How to Find the Right Color, Style, and Size For You

Gemstone Guide | How to Find the Right Color, Style, and Size For You

The vast array of gemstones is truly a rainbow to behold. Each one's sparkle, shine or brilliant hue can light up a room in different ways. But when you're presented with this attractive display, the sheer beauty can also make it difficult to narrow down to just one.  We'll look at how you can start eliminating your options so you can find one to match your style. 

Precious Vs. Semi-Precious 
It's emeraldsdiamondssapphires and rubies that earn the title of precious. Anything else would be considered semi. In general, semi-precious stones are more affordable, but it all depends on the size and quality of each one. If you're planning to wear a gem every day or to most major functions, it might be worth springing for precious jewelry. 

Colors and Styles
If you're looking for something that's both colorful and budget-friendly, experts will tell you to turn toward peridot, turquoise, or amethyst. You don't necessarily need a giant stone to make a statement with these gems. Rubies and sapphires also tend to be on the affordable side, as long as you're selecting a small one. If you want anything that's a carat or more in precious jewelry, be prepared to spend. 

Types of Jewelry 
Some people love to have different jewel tones to match with all of their outfits. Others want diamond earrings that can be used to dress up an ordinary outfit. As you consider the options, keep in mind how you'll plan to use it. For the most part, a bracelet or a ring is more high maintenance than earrings, simply because it comes into more contact with hard surfaces.

Emeralds aren't as hard as the rest of the precious stones, meaning it may become scratched or blemished if subjected to unexpected pressure. Rose quartz and amethyst are both tough as nails if you're looking for durable semi-precious. 

Padis Jewelry knows that it's not always easy to choose one jewelry design when the options are endless. If you need help combing through the gemstones to find one you'll want to wear over and over again, we're here to be of service. Contact us today to request an in-person or virtual appointment.